Do you want to train with us?

#Progress| #Train | #Learn | #Improve

MTF offers a year-round motocross training program designed to give you the opportunity to progress through to the professional level. Training with us full time will give you every advantage there is.

Here’s how it works:

Your training will be under the direction of Colleen Millsaps herself, along with assistants specifically trained in her proven methods. Her technical knowledge and passion for coaching are the best in the industry.

Full year-round riding will allow us to structure your training throughout the year to ensure you are at your fastest at the most important times, the Nationals and Winter-Ams. You will not need to learn new riding skills the week before a National, nor will you ever be over trained or burned out.
Your conditioning training will similarly be under the direction of expert trainers who will individualize your program. You will be at your peak cardio efficiency and strength at exactly the right time.
We utilize video analysis to aid in your technical development. Nutrition counselling is provided so that you learn the correct eating and hydration habits.

There is a fully equipped mechanics workshop with full bike support services available.
Combine this state of the art training with our outstanding facility offering world class tracks, a state of the art gym and mechanics area and full service bunkhouse and we have a program unrivalled anywhere in the world. And the great Southern Georgia weather is just an extra bonus.

To ask about our waiting list email contact us below.
You should receive a prompt reply or please call 1-229-377-8502

Full Time Member Inquiry

Please fill in the form and we will be in contact.

We only accept 85cc riders up and you must have attended one of our camps to be considered.

Contact us

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Last Name
E-mail address
Tell us a little bit about yourself
Thank you!


Physical Fitness for all sports is crucial for strength, stamina and endurance to enable an athlete to excel in the conduct of their ‘sport’. It is without a doubt that Motocross athletes require the most intensive training for overall conditioning. Like all sports, training an athlete, physically, mentally and “spiritually”, in preparation for the competitive environment requires total discipline and commitment to compete at the highest level.Every athlete has the capability to excel and succeed. Skill sets, natural abilities, discipline and dedication to their sport, must be a ‘way of life’ in order for them to contend with their peers and competitors .At Millsaps Training Facility (MTF) we’ve combined various training methods to enhance each individual MX rider. Our philosophy for the athletic/fitness program requires an individual’s responsibility and accountability for their overall state of fitness.Strength, cardio, stamina, endurance and flexibility are areas of fitness that must be established to completely develop an athlete.In addition to our fitness philosophy an emphasis is imparted to each individual to be accountable for their hydration, nutrition, flexibility, rest and recovery. Without this level of dedication and discipline no amount of “talent” will produce consistent and successful results.
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Recovery and Rehabilitation

Preventative Injury and Rehabilitation is an important facet of an athlete’s ability to return back to the ‘track’. The athlete returning back to the track too soon due to physical injury, a bone break, ligament/tendon tear or a head concussion…only positions them for future failures.

Each athlete/rider goes through our “Physio” protocols for physical rehabilitation, which entails vision and vestibular therapy-training for concussion related effects. We utilize the “Light-board” and “Visual Projection” screen training aids for developing hand and eye coordination, increasing reactionary times, develops balance, concentration and focus.

Additionally, in our Physio room, we have the magnetic Beemer mat and attachments for circulation and enhanced recovery of physical injuries. ‘Marc Pro’ for electrical pulse stimulation for muscle recovery and preventative muscle atrophy. Athletes use the ‘Thera Gun’ for intense, deep muscle massage therapy and muscle pliability to loosen intense spasms and to release lactic acid buildup.

MTF strives to enhance an athlete’s track and fitness training, safety and rehabilitation program and to maintain the overall health and conditioning for each individual athlete. The goal for each individual rider, to train smart is to train hard and train consistently, will generate successful outcomes; to develop and instill confidence to achieve more on the track.


The motocross world has been playing catch-up with mainstream sports regarding concussion treatment and rehabilitation. Here at MTF we’d like to help change that. We’ve teamed up with visual coordination and vestibular experts to develop a rehabilitation protocol designed to help the brain recover from concussions, as well as increase cognitive performance and coordination.

Using a balance board, head sensor and hand controls, the rider’s full-body coordination is tested with challenging visual programs that require simultaneous fine motor control and balance. Varying levels of difficulty may be selected to improve performance once concussion symptoms have subsided.